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... Friday, July 18, 2003

so you are a sly crafty old rat, aren't you? that is using the literary language from my training as a literature student.

evil as it sounds, i found the RJC Teacher Terror clip quite funny because the teacher sounded so incredibly unprofessional and ridiculous.

download it from kazaa and watch it. she's not as bad as the newspapers have made her out to be, but i think i would have died if i were the student. the boy simply stood there, unable to say anything while she railed at him and tore his homework twice. i would have broken down and cried, and this was in front of the whole class.

the education fraternity are trying to cover up by reasoning that we do not know what has been happening previously, and they think she has simply been caught on a 'bad day'. but why would a student just choose to record it on that day? it is obvious he has planned it already because they were probably fed up with her tyrannical behaviour which has been on-going from 'day 1 to day 100', as ms beh says.

i used to want to be a teacher, i dreamt of teaching literature and english. but looking at myself and some students around me who tend to be half-dead during classes has killed that dream. i suppose i'm not the kind of person who will try and emulate the scenarios that went on in Dead Poet's Society, Dangerous Minds or even Boston Public for that matter. don't get me started on moulmein high because i am sure that things like that never happen here.

i really like reading the newspapers, although i end up feeling depressed after that. i think of small kids, who just take things at face value, but now i see that people stage events, or claim to be guilty just to win the law case. i have learnt to question everything i read, to look deeper for hints of personal agenda and reason with myself.

mrs quek would be so proud.

today i sat down and started reading the article about Dr Kelly, who committed suicide. i'm beginning to wonder if he was murdered - the world of politicians reeks of blood and corruption.

my mom kept wanting me to read about the whizz kid who completed his bachelors,masters and PhD in five years. frankly i couldn't care less, i sat there in quiet defiance, silently reading the UK-Iraq article. i don't aspire to be him or anything like him - 'i don't waste my time doing stupid things like chatting on ICQ or surfing the net for no reason' well i like doing stupid things sometimes, thank you very much.[foolish as this makes me sound]

jenny always talks of francine or various model students parents would love to have of their kids, and i'm sure dr chua is one of them. but why do an article on him? is he that admirable? he knows how to study, he's 23 with a six-figure salary - but, why? what's he doing this for? so he can drive a merc and live in a big house? situations like these always bring to mind what ms ma has said. why do we do all these things? why do we want to score nine A1s and get a scholarship? why? will it make us better people? in fact, why do i want to get 6A1s? to get to a good jc and.. for what? so i can get away from here and study in UK... for what? i guess i just want to get away and going away to study is the only way my parents will let me go.

so i wonder why dr chua wants to do all these things. what is his dream? to make a lot of money? maybe i shouldn't judge, i shouldn't blame him for being made out to be a god.

i always believe that our media exists to give us what we want to see. after all they've got to make sure their ideas sell don't they? so why do they print such articles? because it interests us. and because we love people like him - they're so "zai". because singaporeans just love this fantasy of being rich and successful. and what do they mean by successful? by drowning in money and eating gold. by getting first class honors in everything.

its so easy to satisfy us, isn't it. just give us some money, and some good grades and we're happy.

+ posted by M @ 11:31 PM

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