and the reason that i do not fall into this street is love
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her name is mel. that's all that people find certain of about her: her name. and even then her name changes with her mood, she's got two of them, and a few others you don't know of.

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... Saturday, December 20, 2003

i hate calling cabs to my house. singaporean cabbies are so indiscreet they start asking and even insisting that i live in a government house until five minutes have passed and they realize i refuse to indulge in their gossip. today the cabbie asked if it was lee kuan yew's house. and then he asked if i was a government official -_-

i feel incredibly tired, but in a good way. today i could finally spend my day njc-less and appeal-less.

went out with sherm, jeremy and angie. yuki and yaki was interesting. and kind of a rip off. things have since changed - i think the last time the four of us met up was last year. or something. anyway. it feels a bit odd now that jeremy and angela are together because there are constant displays of public affection and - i'm trying to get used to seeing them hold hands and walk around with their heads together. meanwhile sherm and i sometimes have the urge to run away [at least i did] and end up walking so far front. i think everyone's changed. sherm has become like the soul of cat high band, in my opinion. EAGLES AWARD HUH.

oh, i met charm and all her sisters today. i think it's really cool how all five sisters go out together, along with the little one. it reminds me slightly of the virgin suicides - but just the sister bit, not the gory and eccentric bits.

moving on, after we split up, i decided to go shopping on my own. the good thing about shopping on my own is that no one is there to nag me about prices [unless of course i go with cel and then its just perfect]. i realize there are too many things i want to buy. i also realize that when you wear a suit jacket, people at posh places think you are working and tend to treat you nicely - except when they find out you have no credit cards.

ED elections were cancelled, so i took it as a sign from God [my grand'rents told me yesterday that st igs was having mass today] - 'Go for penitential mass, Mel, GO'. since i didn't make it to the wednesday mass at holy cross because i slept and mom didn't wake me because she was mad, i called mel to ask if i could meet her at st ignatius. so i ended up meeting mel and her family at st ig's. wow that church is different. i've only been to two catholic churches, holy cross and blessed sacrement - but they both have the same feel. st ig's somehow doesn't feel catholic. do i sound funny? maybe. anyhow, turned out all three of the holy cross priests came to st ig's to help out for confession so i stood in queue and ended up getting fr yim. none of the priests ever seem to recognize me. father ig was still calling me Michelle the night before baptism.

when it FINALLY came to be my turn, this was how it went:

fr yim: good evening.
me: good evening
fr yim does the trinity thing and i do likewise.
me: forgive me father, for i have sinned... actually, this is the first time i'm having confession.
fr yim with widened eyes: first time? were you baptized recently?
me: yes, at holy cross actually. i was one of the youth baptised last sunday.
fr yim: sorry?
me: youth baptism on sunday.
fr yim: oh it never occured to me that you were a youth.
me: err.
i had no idea how to go about doing this.
fr yim: perhaps you would just like to tell me something that you would like to get off your chest? not necessarily any sins.
so i began and told him about the posting stuff. he gave me some penance but i decided to do it at home because i didn't want to make mel's family wait.

so there was my first confession. it was nice, to tell someone about it; an outsider who could see it from a totally fresh view. i was really glad i got fr yim actually; because for some reason i wanted to have a chance to at least talk to him a little bit before he left holy cross. i like him a lot. i don't know any of the priests personally because i never talk to them but i like fr yim's sermons a lot and the way he seems so serious all the time when he's conducting mass. of course they all are serious, but there is something about fr yim that feels so steady and so deep and quietly sincere.

going to st ig's made me realize that i really like holy cross a lot and a lot and a lot. it's like the best church ever. i'm biased i know and it's also because of emotional attachment and the familiarity; but i just like it so much. even though st ig's is so close to home, i still like going to HC.

i came home and then i met all my parent's friends because they were celebrating someone's wedding anniversary. i ended up talking to this lady i didn't know because her and my mom were talking about the education system. about how parents want their kids to get into certain schools, and she was agreeing that sometimes it was the students in top schools that made them more appealing, not just the academics. and then i had to speak up. while you can't deny that academically the students in top schools are stronger, and hence more motivated and confident, this doesn't necessarily mean that morally they are more stable. on the flipside, they can be overly competitive, selfish, arrogant and anti-social. and then she said that it would therefore be important to find a school which embodies both moral and academic values and i told her scgs was that school.

i think after that she was a bit wary of me.

tm 4:12 tomorrow and uniforms to be done - that is, if dawn gets my message and isn't too zonked out after phuket.

+ posted by M @ 12:21 AM

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