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... Saturday, June 04, 2005

so the SATs have come and gone, and all in the span of the morning.

and a horrible morning it was. HWA CHONG DOES NOT HAVE AN AIRCONDITIONED HALL FOR TEST-TAKERS! i know i sound awfully spoilt - but really, though aj was small, it's test taking conditions were far better when i took the SATs there last year. plus the teachers had a less stick-in-the-mud attitude and didn't treat us like imbecilic kids taking the o level exam because the crowd was largely made up of nsmen then i think. or something. anyway they just weren't jc students. and it's very unpleasant getting barked at to 'stop work. put down your pencil' after every section. ugh. o levels. a levels. come what may. i hate these huge mass exam things with a passion. just not my thing.

i pray to the good Lord that i'll do well enough on this one so that now i can just concentrate on CT revisions [those of you that have started, please don't give me the gory details].

i'm beginning to think i should have gone to town today and yesterday instead of pushing my town trip into valuable studying time next week. wanted to browse around at HMV and get the books i wanted at kinokuniya [OKAY. i know. i shouldn't. but michelangelo's letters and writing? i can't resist. plus the Love Gathers All anthology which i finally discovered at the top shelf of the asian writers block. why do they put all the good local writing so high up?-_-]

OH. i also don't like how they categorize it - Asian Literature. LITERATURE IS LITERATURE! why is it that russian writers, irish writers, american writers, english writers, latin american writers etc etc are all put on the same shelf but there is such a distinction made for Asian Lit? i mean. this is something i feel strongly about, and i think as long as we're going to split writing up in bookstores, we're never going to achieve any advancement in the appreciation of 'local' writing [most of the nj lit wing people don't know who cyril wong, alfian sa'at, alvin pang are. my god.]. and i hate to say it like that - 'local' writing, but that's the only way people will understand it presently.

i've been downloading far too many songs. i've run out of space on my iPod mini. i'm trying to convince myself i don't actually need to sell and trade for a regular iPod. after all, my parents got me this one and i'd feel awfully guilty if i gave it up. i mean, honestly, i must not be so spoilt. argh. but i need space. if only there was some way to inject GBs into the green thing.


i realize i'm being a horribly self-indulgent blogger. i actually plan to spend a number of days in town just reading at a cafe. i have a lot of books to read. BUT I MUST STUDY FOR THE GREATER GOOD OF MANKIND! sigh. i hate exams.

you know, why is it that doing well in exams is doing something good for myself? well. i think because i want to go to university. and continue studying. oh the irony. but yes, i really do want to go to university OVERSEAS and LEARN all sorts of interesting things about Literature and Film and Art! so yes, i will suffer a little bit for this year.

[must make sure i remain resolute]

on a random note, i bought a punching bag [is really cheaper than most people expect for that huge bulky thing] and am going to hang it up as soon as family gets back from china. how exciting.

+ posted by M @ 3:26 PM

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