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... Thursday, September 01, 2005

sad to say this, but at present, the most exciting times of my life have been spent in front of the television. some people can't imagine watching tv all day, but i can. for me, tv possesses an even greater lure than the computer. i think i sat in front of it from 11-5 last night. i feel very happy when i watch TV - yifang feels the same. i think we're so deprived.

oh God, that's like 6 hours, i just realized. i should have been studying. all these people who say TV is bad for you and should be abolished, i certainly beg to differ. unless you spend your time watching crappy tv shows like singaporean ripoffs of reality shows [or anything local, basically] it is a waste of time. but good dramas and comedies and cartoons are enriching. seriously. film is a powerful medium.

Nip Tuck Season Finale. i need to rave about this, even though like no one watches it. people should seriously watch it, why the hell don't people watch it?! if people don't watch it, it may get it's airtime cut and then i'll be in a fix! PLEASE WATCH IT! well, okay, too late. but promise me you'll watch season 3. Nip Tuck is by far the best tv drama i have watched. and i only started watching it this season. it may be incredibly twisted at times [and i'm the kind of person that hates plastic surgery with a passion, but that didn't put me off], but the amount of drama on the show is amazing. the drama, it's just sizzling. and all of the actors on the show really do their jobs [which is rare, there are usually obvious weak links on most shows - think mischa barton on the oc]. anyway, the finale was fantastic. the choice of music is always greatly enhancing, the last scene was particularly heart-wrenching with Sean Macnamara lying in his bed waiting for The Carver to come and instead The Carver attacks Christian Troy and we see a single tear trickling down Christian's face as he realizes his face [his fortune] is going to get cut. and then it ends. i really need to watch the new season soon, i really do. i have an incredible liking for Julian Mcmahon. my admiration for him started from his Charmed days [he played Dr Doom in Fantastic Four too, but i didn't watch that] and has hit an all-time high with Nip Tuck. anyway, not many people like him or really know who he is. so i guess that's a pretty unpopular opinion. i also think peyton and lucas [on one tree hill] are meant for each other and should be together, but i know that's another highly unpopular opinion.

anyway. after watching Nip Tuck, i should have gone to sleep but i decided to channel surf. what did i find? Big Fish showing on HBO. and i've always wanted to watch that but never got to so i decided to watch that. i realize Tim Burton likes to use the same actors for most of his movies [other than his strong ties to Depp, who wasn't in Big Fish, most of the actors in Wonka can be found in Big Fish, including the oompa loompa guy]. it's a great movie. i don't know what makes it great, because it was very forrest gump-ish in the sense that it was held together by stories and comedy of incongruity. i liked the way it was filmed, there was a very surreal quality lent to it partly because it was a quite 'out of focus' technique he used. i just liked it, i'm not sure why, and i cried loads at the end. i haven't cried at a movie for a long time, i think i must be at an incredibly emotional state [i'm usually like this when exams are coming].

and i spent the rest of my time after that watching friends reruns and discovering the usually quirky good shows that get shown late because they don't appeal to many people [they used to show Undeclared on channel 5 in the dead of the night, which was a shame because it was a good show and i couldn't watch it]. oh and cartoons - Hey, Arnold! i really like that cartoon. the characters are pretty real, and a lot of statements are made through that cartoon about the kind of people in this world and everything.

i also saw Bon Jovi's new video. Jon Bon Jovi looks incredible for his age. honestly, you'd think the rock star life would have aged him by now, but he still looks so good. plastic surgery? i doubt it actually, he's looking very natural still. gosh, what is he, vegan or something? maybe he only eats organic foods. okay, who cares right. i'm just amazed.

God, i'm such a TV addict. and i can't wait for The OC and One Tree Hill new seasons to start. ESPECIALLY THE OC. i must study now, to make up for my heinous sin of 6 hour late night tv watching.

one last thing [because i care too much about fictional characters on teen soap operas]: ryan and marissa should break up. Break Up. Be Finished. Be Over. yes, i've said my piece and i've held this opinion for a very long time and i hope that it is realized by Josh Schwartz. and i don't want them to get back together. i want them O-V-E-R. permanently. this is what i want to see in season 3. what do you want to see in season 3?

+ posted by M @ 1:28 PM

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