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... Saturday, November 12, 2005

i'm feeling rather incensed by everything.

enough with the SCGS bashing, ALREADY. it is getting old. do people have nothing better to do than sit around and dream up fantastical ideas about how 1. bimbotic and 2. destined for tai-tai lives we are? i can't say that any of my contemporaries really fall into these two categories. i don't know about my juniors and my seniors - but the scgs girls in my year are NOT like that. student's sketchpad and all those other 'bloggers' that feed off that idea are greatly misguided and myopic in their thinking.

i'd like to point their attention to the fact that we are the first girls' school to have our students actually publish something - Uncut. it may not be a big publication, but i really think it reflects something of our school. that we care enough about art and poetry and that we want to be heard. and if you think art and poetry are airy, fluffy things that only people with no jobs do ... then, well, you're an idiot.

besides, what century are these people living in? what is with the stereotype of girls' schools either being hotbeds for feminist activity (apparently RGS), full of lesbians (apparently IJ) or finishing schools (apparently SCGS)? aren't those rather narrow-minded and untrue stereotypes?

God. open your eyes, people. life isn't all about labelling people based on what school they go to. pay attention to the world and the real news that is going on. not just who got plastic surgery and denies it. if everyone continues wasting their brains on such trivial matters, it's no wonder the world is in such a state of distress.

if it's not xiaxue, it's this plastic surgery thing. and the thing is, it's not even like we're discussing the ethics of plastic surgery here - people are simply having a discussion to try and malign the person who did it. to what purpose?! wow. we have SUCH a variety of meaningless things to think deeply about! while the death penalty issue just goes quietly unnoticed.

i've really lost faith in the newspapers and all these people who try to be pseudo-intellectuals. it annoys me greatly. also, i think the rise of blogging signifies something really rather sad. if the only way to get heard and air frustrations is to type up something in a blank box and put it on the internet - isn't that rather pathetic?

we are becoming such a detached population despite all these advances in technology and communication. and that is the pure bloody irony of it all. i'm going to think about this very carefully. i think i might want to give up this 'blogging' thing. i used to think of it as a faster way of writing what i needed to, but as i haven't written anything substantial in ages, i think i might really have to leave the world of electronic talk in order to reconnect with myself and my writing. i have been 'blogging' instead of 'writing' far too often and it really isn't doing any good for me and my personal growth.

note: i get easily annoyed and impulsive during exam periods. i'm sorry to those who bear with all my ranting.

+ posted by M @ 1:59 PM

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