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... Friday, November 11, 2005

There's one thing I have to say so I'll be brave
You were what I wanted, I gave what I gave
I'm not sorry I met you
I'm not sorry it's over
I'm not sorry there's nothing to save
I'm not sorry there's nothing to save

Your Ex-lover is Dead - Stars

GP! was okay. i think. i panic every few minutes thinking i screwed up (which is a possibility) but i'll try to play the 'gp is unpredictable' card to reassure myself. though AQ and Summary really were ... ANYWAY.

i did the question on the Arts in Singapore. to be expected of me? i can't seem to find anyone else who has done it. the thing is, if asked to do that question i normally would have chose not to (but all the other questions were just not things i could do). because when it comes to talking about the arts in singapore i get very emotional and sometimes overly bitter. which is really not a good thing in GP essays. i also think i was quite narrow in my scope. the question went, '... the arts, such as music and literature'. does that mean both aspects are to be discussed - aren't they just examples for the ignorant candidate that doesn't know what 'the arts' constitutes (and i wouldn't be surprised, honestly. yes, you can already see my take on singaporeans' awareness of the arts)? no points for anyone who can guess which aspect i quite blatantly lacked discussion in. it's not that i meant to, but my inclination is obviously towards literature. i think i also made many grammatical errors referring to it as 'the arts' all the time. also, i wanted to talk about the time when there was a fierce debate in the papers over some local writer saying the singapore arts scene was pathetic (or something to that extent) but i forgot his name. i described the event anyway, for the heck of it. and i managed to include Wilfred Owen's poem 'Dulce Et Decorum Est' in my AQ. i'm a self-indulgent writer who had no time to finish. please don't let me fail gp. PLEASE. if i can't do math AND gp, then i really am a pathetic fool.

also, Arthur Woolgar? the author in our compre passage? i dislike him and the way he writes. i found myself disagreeing vehemently with his writing and perhaps sounded a tad too harsh in my AQ. but anyway, it's over.

the thing is, this paper really made me think about things. the essay i did got me all fired up about the arts in singapore. so i was talking to dav about the state of the arts in singapore, and how sad it is that we singaporeans are so so so very contented with our country. i mean, yes, we're clean and green, we have a world class airline etc etc, but to what purpose! does it really truly matter? would people prefer to go to a country known for its rich culture and art though it might be relatively unhygienic than a country that has nothing to offer apart from food and a rather sterile environment? we try to create an identity, culture and promote creativity, but these are just things that can't be created! and it makes me so frustrated when i see just how contrived we are and how so very complacent we are. we shouldn't be that proud, really. just because we built the esplanade doesn't mean we're UP THERE. we're not, we're really not. we still have much to learn and if the government continues mothering us we'll be a stagnant society for a long time to come.

here i am, rambling and 'crusading' again.

anyway, stuff happened today that was quite ... dubious. bea happened to sit next to a girl quite notorious for cheating in exams. the ironic thing is that bea seems to be the only one in the arts fac who doesn't know of her reputation. anyway, the girl was cheating for gp essay by using a PRINTED paper of stats and odd facts (God knows how because all the topics we expected did not come to light this year), an A LEVEL EXAM. how does one bear to cheat? gosh. anyway i won't get into a rant about the ethics of that. the fact is, it is clearly wrong. not because it is 'unfair' (i couldnt care less about the 'unfairness' of it to other students who 'studied so hard', like many others do) but because it is dishonest. well, bea was very distracted and horrified during the exam and finally decided to report her to the invigilator. action was only taken much later after the two papers were completed so by then the girl had discarded of the evidence. guess what? the girl got away scot-free, claiming it was all a misunderstanding. there is clearly something wrong with the invigilating system. CLEARLY. i shall comment no further because this event speaks for itself.

gp gp gp. actually, i will miss gp. i quite liked it. but well, moving on.

live through this and you won't look back

+ posted by M @ 1:23 PM

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