her name is mel. that's all that people find certain of about her: her name. and even then her name changes with her mood, she's got two of them, and a few others you don't know of.
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Sunday, February 26, 2006
so i was surfing for some articles on feminism on google, just to do a bit of reading, and guess what i found. i found this Christian site which said boldy, 'BEWARE OF THE FEMINISTS, MANY ARE LESBIANS!'
and i just couldn't help but laugh out loud. and then feel disgusted afterwards. it's like stumbling across a porn site while searching for film torrents - very rudely shocking and a big eyesore.
there are a lot of feminist doctrines i don't agree with, i'll tell you that. a lot of the time i find feminists extreme, and, well, annoying. not because i don't believe in equality of the sexes but simply because I DO. what i dislike about feminists is that they do not believe in equality - they believe in the superiority of women. and while it is so that men have (and continue to) oppress women to certain extents, i do not believe that such historical baggage entails or grants us a 'revenge ticket'. if those feministic women are indeed superior, they will accept the past with grace and concentrate on talking about terms for equality, rather than being bent on running a one-woman world because, obviously, we all deserve a place in this world, man or woman.
but something about this site just makes me feel really uncomfortable, and really sick:
'Feminism is sin. It is wrong because it is a rebellion against authority (and against God). God has ordained that the man is to be the head of the household. The wife is to SUBMIT to her own husband...
"Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord."-Ephesians 5:22
The Bible angers the feminists because it CLEARLY teaches that a wife is to submit to her own husband. We read in the Old Testament that Sarah even called Abraham "lord."
"Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement."-1st Peter 3:6
My wife is NOT a feminist! She is a Christ-honoring woman and submits to my authority. My wife hates feminism because she knows it goes AGAINST God and His Word. We've been married now for 18 years. She likes to make the feminists mad when we're in the store. She'll ask me in front of other women if she can buy something. You can see the dirty looks on their faces. My wife likes to say, "wait, I need to go ask my husband" or "He pays the bills, ask him." It drives the feminists nuts when a wife submits to her husband. I really admire my wife's loyalty and obedience to the Word of God and me. She's my best friend.'
i do think that yes, wives and husbands have to listen to each other. they should both be loyal to each other, they should both submit to each other at certain times. but to have a husband who goes, 'i call the shots' is absolutely disgusting. i mean, come on now, what is this? i do not think that the bible intended for a man to lord it over this wife that he holds the power just because of his sex. i will even go as far as to say that it is fine for a wife to submit to her husband as long as the husband does not expect it and IF SHE WANTS TO, but when the husband expects everything to be checked out with him because it is his, oh, it is his so-called God-given right, that is just ... wrong.
i think i need to go for bible study, or something. these are the parts of the bible that i have never really agreed with, maybe because i've never really understood them. i don't know?
+ posted by M @ 5:00 PM